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Automating Rasterization of HTML elements on a Page
PhantomJS is a headless Webkit browser.  In other words, it's all the awesome of Safari/Chrome without the UI and is capable of injecting Javascript into a loaded page, evaluating expressions within the browser sandbox and screen capture.

Its that last little bit that I'm really interested in, screen capture, so I headed along and found this simple rasterize.js script (provided by the creator of PhantomJS)  which is good for taking full screenshots of your web-browser, but not so good if you are wanting to only take a screenshot of a particular element.

So I wrote a script called rasterizeElement.js which takes advantage of the webpage object's clipRect property and sets the clipping rectangle according to the boundaries of the element you are selecting.

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You can use rasterizeElement like this :

Getting Started

  1. Download and install PhantomJS (if you haven't already)
  2. Download  rasterizeElement.js and save it in the same folder as PhantomJS
  3. Run the script according to the Usage Guidelines below

Usage Guidelines

You can see the guidelines just by running the script with phantomjs rasterizeElement.js

 the selector parameter, renderElementBySelector, can be any valid CSS selector because under the hood this gets passed to document.querySelector() method to get a reference to the element in the DOM.

Bits and Bobs Under the Hood

If  you are going to modify or want to work with the rasterizeElement script, here are some things that are worth a mention...

Ping me on Twitter (@stephenhjames) if you have any suggestions or modifications to this script, or fork the gist on github and drop a comment

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